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Inversor extranjero compra piso en Barcelona

  • hace 11 años
  • Sin categoría

euros2Barcelona is a city with young personality, the engine of a large economic area. If 25% of foreign investment in Spain is located in Catalonia, Barcelona attracts and concentrates 90% of the foreign capital.

Among the most recognized forms of investment, real estate investment is one the most important. In Barcelona, despite the crisis grows the number of real estate transactions, thanks to affordable prices and, above all, thanks to the attractiveness and profitability of a property in the city center. Here is concentrated an high demand for properties for sale or for rent, by students, workers, researchers and entrepreneurs from other European and non-European countries.

A foreign investor wishing to buy a property in the Old Town of Barcelona is not naive: he does not buy any apartment, he’s not enchanted by any offer, he likes to investigate all conditions and details. He knows the European market, the prices ‘ oscillation, as he perfectly knows what he wants to obtain from his investment

What he’s looking for is the chance to trust in the work of a direct representative, with recognized and accredited professionality, who can advise him on the best opportunities to realize his purchase intent.
The seriousness of the local real estate agency is thus a prerequisite to attract and convince a foreign buyer.
Casc Antic BCN, with its experience and level of expertise, can provide all services to ensure a good deal to the buyer and seller at the same time.

Besides offering the best product according to the buyer’s needs, Casc Antic BCN is responsible to follow the foreign investor from the first contact to the signing of the deed of sale, and even beyond, offering advice in different languages. In addition to Spanish and Catalan, our agents can offer their services in English, French, Italian, Danish, Dutch.

Our agency can provide assistance in obtaining NIE, opening a Spanish bank account, obtaining a mortgage, in the management of proceedings after purchase (eg change of ownership of water services, electricity, gas). We can project major and minor works of renovation, furnishing and decoration for future property rental.

Through its international channels, Casc Antic BCN can establish contacts with investors from other countries, bring the whole buying process through to a positive result, leaving the buyer happy and giving the seller a precious opportunity to sell his property in a market as complex as today.

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