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Casc Antic, a prime yield in Barcelona

Is it profitable to buy a house in Barcelona to rent it? As we always say, it depends on the area where the house is located and the security that the area inspires for both the tenants and the owners. In this sense, the Casc Antic of Barcelona is one of the most demanded, with a performance superior to the others, close to 6%, which turns the neighborhoods of the Ciutat Vella into a prime yield.

The Bank of Spain has estimated the gross profitability of the rent to be of 4.3%, according to the latest figures for the first quarter of this year. This profitability doubles to 8.8% if the profits obtained from the rental of the house are added to the revaluation that the property undergoes in a subsequent sale.

If we talk about the city of Barcelona, ​​we can say that, definitely, it is profitable to buy a house to rent it. According to a report by Invermax, which is specialized in advice and management of residential assets, Barcelona is one of the most profitable cities in Spain, with profits that in some cases are close to 8%, while the national average, according to the study data, would reach the 6%. Added to this is the fact that rents in Barcelona and Madrid have reached historical highs this year, with increases in 2016 of 15.6% and 16.5%, respectively.

Rental houses for all budgets

This increase in prices, as we have mentioned in previous publications, makes living in the middle of cities increasingly complicated but not impossible. However, and although we can not deny that the rental prices of the houses in the center of Barcelona may be slightly higher than those in the suburbs, we are sure that it is possible to find homes that fit all budgets, as evidenced by our offer of houses for rent in the Casc Antic of Barcelona.

What is no doubt is that buying a house to rent it has become an alternative with almost guaranteed success, both from a residential perspective, and from the point of view of a financial investment for the owner of the house. In fact, if in the past used to take more than a month to rent a house, now a house for rent is leased in only 30 days (or less), which shows the high demand.

At Casc Antic BCN we are experts in the old town of Barcelona and after more than 25 years of experience in the area, we have the necessary tools to select the best tenant, who provides the highest guarantees of payment and, above all, tranquility and safety. Since March 3, we also have a new customer service office on Avenida del Para · lel, 151, with which we hope to become the reference real estate agency for the neighborhoods of Paralelo, Sant Antoni and Poble Sec.

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